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Major Art Pieces at the University

The University Paris Diderot holds a rich historic and scientific heritage but also, a less known, contemporary art heritage.

A virtual and geolocalised tour  allows you to discover some pieces of art placed all over the campus Paris Rive Gauche de l’Université Paris Diderot (13e arrondissement), sponsored by the State by 1% law on arts(Dispositif  des Nouveaux Commanditaires ou 1% artistique : PDF iconoeuvres_darts_2017_light.pdf

What means the 1% on art?

Since 1951, the law establishes that the owners of public land must use 1% of their construction budget to command or acquire one or more major art pieces specially conceived for the building where they are to be placed


Bétonsalon est un centre d’art et de recher­che basé campus des Grands Moulins au rez-de-chaussée de la Halle aux Farines

Trait d'union - Éric Duyckaerts

Mosaics distributed all over the University buildings

UFR Sciences Physiques - Keiichi Tahara

Façade du bâtiment Condorcet

Surface Vivante - Bertrand Segers

circulations de la Halle aux Farines

Squaring the Circle - Attila Csörgő

Placed at the heart of the laboratory Astroparticules et Cosmologie located in building Condorcet.

Allumouette - Yann Kersalé

Allumouette (2006) is a series of luminous elements disposed on the cornice of the building of Grands Moulins.

Kosmogramme 2 - C. Berdaguer et M. Péjus

Placed in the hall of the lecture theatre Buffon

Trame de minoterie - agence Franklin Azzi

Bibliothèque centrale des Grands Moulins.